The Best Bow Drill Bearing Block

BushcraftIn his first book – Bushcraft – Morsk Kochanski talks about the bark of black poplar as being one of the best, frictionless bow drill bearing block material. I guess he meant the best you can easily find in boreal forest. The best ready-to-use natural material for bow drill I’ve ever used are hollow stones.

Bearing block
Bushcraft Mors Kochanski black poplar





The thing is, you can’t always find them when you need them. But that also goes for black poplar bark. We do have the species in European forests but, at least in my area, it isn’t a common species. It’s even more difficult to find one with the bark thick enough to be used as a bow drill socket.

PineBark Bearing Block 01Since Mors Kochanski always emphasises that he specialises in wilderness living in a very specific environment, I decided to bend his idea and adapt it to my conditions. We may not have a lot of black poplar in my area but we sure have plenty of pine trees. Some of which sport very thick bark. So I thought I’d give it a go.

It worked very well. I have never used black poplar bark and cannot compare these two but I think pine is a good substitute in areas where this species is abundant. One thing to point out when using a piece of bark as a bearing block is that in this case both ends of your spindle have to be rounded and none of the can be pointy or it will drill through and through too quickly. That can be used to you advantage as having both ends rounded, you can use both for drilling interchangeably. Unless of course you decide to use some sort of lubrication, which in this case isn’t really necessary.

I’m also pretty sure these are not the only tree species that produce bark suitable for bow drill hand hold. At least sever other trees I know seem to a good candidate. I haven’t tried them yet but it’s not unlikely that I will in the nearest future.


Dawn Chorus With Golden Orliole – Sounds of Nature. What a wedding!

Wedding siteThe video below was shot it the least likely place and circumstances – at a wedding party 🙂 Yup, a wedding. And it’s not that I was getting bored with dancing and drinking. It was one of the best wedding parties I remember. And one f the reasons for that was its location – Suchedniów, Poland.

They had a pony pen with an actual pony in it and a bag of bread to feed it just fifty yards from the ballroom. They also had a tawny owl in a cage. That was a bit sad though. A bird in such a small cage. Nevertheless, I must admit it was exciting to see something you don’t normally see from that close in broad daylight.

tawny owl At 3 am I decided I needed a break and walked out to take a look at the surroundings. Funny enough, Only a dozen steps away from the party and I could’t hear the music or any noise whatsoever. Something unheard of in London.



Suchednów Suchedniów Poland

And then I heard this. A golden oriole and a robin were leading the dawn chorus. Frogs and a cuckoo were joining from time to time along with a blackcap, song thrush a blackbird and most likely something else I can’t even remember at the moment. Take a look. Maybe you’ll hear something I missed.