Time to come back

That’s it for this part of my project. I’ll continue in England. We’ll see if there’s any difference. Although, the amount of time I have left will not allow me to repeat the tunnel survey, I’ll try to collect some scats in and around London.

Before I left, I’d decided to make the most of that wonderful time and have the last summer walk in the forest. Photographing a slow worm (Anguis fragilis) and a hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia or Bonasa bonasia) made it even more exciting.


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And I was wrong…

At least when it comes to stoats and weasels. They did not like my tunnels again. I blame it on the long winter and low population density. That’s all I can say about this failed attempt.

There was, however, a lot of activity around the tunnels. Just like last winter, when I was testing different tubes and tunnels.

Unfortunately, rats, martens, mice or even hares and owls are not the kind of animals I need for my project. Nevertheless, it’s always a thrill to watch them  at home.

Fortunately, I still have some frozen scats I collected earlier. This should give me something to work with and save me from failing my Master’s degree.