Jumping and singing fox cubs

Ladies and gentlemen! I give you a short camera trap compilation of fox cubs and the vixen, playing in a London university’s backyard. A badger, last year’s fox cubs and a few adult foxes also decided to join and shyly check the area.

I must admit I have a lot more video material from previous months that I haven’t even edited, let alone uploaded. But the last three days brought more excitement than all previous months put together.

Make sure your speakers are on. It’s worth it.


Time to come back

That’s it for this part of my project. I’ll continue in England. We’ll see if there’s any difference. Although, the amount of time I have left will not allow me to repeat the tunnel survey, I’ll try to collect some scats in and around London.

Before I left, I’d decided to make the most of that wonderful time and have the last summer walk in the forest. Photographing a slow worm (Anguis fragilis) and a hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia or Bonasa bonasia) made it even more exciting.


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