I’ll spare you the details for now, as I have lots of footage from that trip and I’m planning to turn it in to a nice, relatively short, video. All I’m gonna say now, is that almost all my corrections and preparations worked as planned and the trip went smoothly without any major ‘oh no’ moments.
No blisters this time. Even despite a large hole in one of my socks, which appeared around day 5. No joint or excessive muscle pain either. I had lots of sleep and kept a steady pace, which probably contributed to the injury free and pleasant experience with this pretty rough and demanding section in high mountains.

There were some issues with food, which I’m constantly trying to tailor to my ever-changing needs. I feel like I’m getting close to the perfect balance between carbs, fats and protein as well as finding the ‘just right’ amount of calories.
I’ll talk about all this in the upcoming video. But before I have a chance to edit and post it, I’m going to get some more interesting material from my next trip. This time, we’re going to Alaska. Anchorage, Denali and Fairbanks to be exact. I have only one day left to pack and go so, understandably, I won’t be able to post much before I’m back.
See you soon.